Saturday, December 27, 2008

Submitting sites to Google

Wanna be famous? Of course, everyone would love to. But remember it's not a one day process, and you gotta work VERY hard. But as a start, you could add your sites to Google, let them index you, and in return, let visitors find you. Ok, first go to and simply fill in the URL box with your blog url and fill the Comments box with general idea of what your site is. NOTE: comments will not affect how Google index you, it's only used an information. Next, enter the verification box; type in the squiggly letters and hit the 'Add Url button'. Done! But you still must wait a few hours (sometimes a day) before your blog is indexed.

Not satisfied? If you prefer some details, you can register for a Google Webmaster account. Here you can view the index stats, your submitted sitemaps, view search statistic, and many more. To register, go to and sign in with your google account (if you don't have any just register first, click 'Sign up'). Now, you are viewing the Webmaster Dashboard. The first thing you should do is to add a site. Type your url in the 'Click here to add a site'.

The next step is to verify that the site belongs to you. Hit the Verify link and follow the given steps. After you finished verifying it, you have a fully functional Webmaster account (that is, you can't access certain feature if you don't verify your blog).

The Webmaster Tools have more features than I could write. So, here's where I left you but go ahead explore some of its features. I can't guarantee you the fame, but you got now a good start :)

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